As of right now custody (mediation) agreement is as follows:
"Isabella shall remain with her father at all times except for every other week from Sunday morning till Tuesday Morning."
It began this way because i was living in Fresno for Bella to be closer to her father. Working and living in a one bedroom apt. I worked throughout the week and my days off were Sunday and Mondays. It made sense to me to keep Isabella at her fathers house where she had a room and all her toys. I saw her everyday but she slept at my house Sunday and Monday Nights. I only wanted Her to have the most comfortable arrangement as possible. Her father was quick to get the paperwork made up and me being trustworthy of him i agreed and signed.
Months went by and I lost a job and moved back to San Luis Obispo county. By doing this Jonathan saw it in his best interest not to allow Isabella to visit her Home town with me. He refused for one month. all of January and most of February i spent away from My daughter. Precious time that was taken from both of us. After several attempts and one trip to Fresno with law enforcement and i Got no where. it wasn't until Jon needed me to watch her because his mother was leaving the state that I got to have Bella back with me. it soon became I had to prove to Jonathan that i could be "consistent" with my time with Bella. I did whatever i had to do to have my daughter come visit with me. 48 hrs. is all we get every other week. It makes me sick that i can't change something i would have never of agreed to knowing that i would move back to SLO.
From the day i moved back to SLO in January of 09 it only makes sense for the agreement to change. I cant stop by to see her after work anymore, i cant take her to lunch on my lunch break and I cant have a unscheduled sleep over. I only have 48 hrs. Jonathan has no reason for not changing the agreement and seems uninterested in our daughter being with her mother.
It is now September 09 and i can't play by someone else's rules anymore. I will not be manipulated and controlled by Jonathan anymore. I refuse to have Our daughter dangled over my head. It is time for me to fight back and get the fair amount of time with our daughter again. I can't change that i moved back to SLO county this is where she was born and this is where i would like to raise her. i am hoping to get help from the court system.
On Sept. 11Th I let Jon know that Bella is scheduled to stay with me this next week Sunday to Tuesday. That The parent's birthdays are to be celebrated during the week of Isabella's stay with them. which means Not having her on the birthday which he would like to believe. Jonathan is planing on going against the agreement and keeping her this next week because his birthday is Monday the 14Th. This is not the first time he has kept her on one of my weeks ( 48 hrs.) because he felt he was in the control of that decision. we will see if she will be here on Sunday.
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